Challenge Accepted.

Hello everyone!

First of all let me apologize for the fact that I've been here for almost two weeks and have yet to post an update. We've been crazy busy with trainings, and I have literally had almost no office/internet time to date. Hopefully that will change once we get into a more normal schedule!

For now, we've been granted some much needed Friday night time-off which I am very thankful for. I am currently sitting in our office -- yes, I have an office now! It looks like this:

(Sorry it's a little blurry.)

This is a big room that all of the Fellows share. As you can see, we have desks running down each side and a huge chalkboard wall at the back. If you look closely, you'll see a Sonic drink on the desk in the back corner. No surprise, that's mine. You better believe I am VERY EXCITED to be housed right next to the chalkboard -- I WILL use it! I'll post a picture of my desk later, but it's a little boring right now because I haven't had time yet to put up pictures or anything. So, stay tuned for that. 

All of the other Fellows are out currently, so I have the office to myself, which I must admit is a little nice after being surrounded by noise and chaos for the past two weeks. Normally though, this room is full of laughter and loud. Our office is connected to the offices of all of the OE (Outdoor Education) staff. They also all office in a big room like ours, except for they have a little more space. All of this is on the top floor of a building we call "the OE Barn," which used to be an actual barn here "back in the day." Don't worry - they've remodeled and made it pretty nice. And yes, thankfully we have air conditioning! 

Anyway, you'll all be happy to know that I'm way more legit than I was the last time I spoke to you. We have spent the last week and a half getting trained and certified in just about everything. I am now a certified lifeguard and have successfully fake-rescued many of my co-fellows from the pool. We also got Red Cross certified in CPR and first aid, so if you ever need help in any of those areas, I can hook you up. 

This past week, we've been going through training to become certified on all of the ropes/challenge courses here at camp. This is one of my favorite parts of camp, so I've had a lot of fun getting back into that this week! I didn't have time to take a ton of pictures, but I'll share what I got: 

This is an element called "The Vertical Playpen."
Normally, the rope ladders at the bottom are hanging down so that participants can climb, but in the picture, they hung up to limit access to guests when the activity is closed.

This is me at the top of our high ropes course.
I am setting up the course so that we can begin running participants through.

Totally legit.

We also have a rock climbing wall, ziplines, low ropes elements, a power pole, and a super-swing that we call the Pendulum. I couldn't get pictures of those this week, but I will try to snap some for you in the future.

Hook 'Em! 

I passed my written test yesterday with a 98% (booyah!) and successfully completed all of my skills and knots. I am now hold a Level 1 Challenge Course Facilitator certification and am also certified to do rescues. AKA, if you get stuck up there, I can come up and help you get down. Cool, huh?! 

Needless to say, my brain is a little fried after being bombarded with so much information over the past few weeks. I am so excited about everything I'm learning, but I am definitely glad to be finished with intense specific trainings. This weekend, we are working with the vet Fellows (the staff that were Fellows before us) and learning all about how to work weekend retreats. We have almost 1,000 guests on camp this weekend! Next weekend we will be working our first weekend on our own, so hopefully we can soak it all up over the next few days and learn everything we need to know! 

Next week, we start our training for OE and all of the classes we will be teaching. I am SUPER excited about that! I don't know a ton about any of it yet, but I will for sure keep you updated! 

My co-Fellows (or, my fellow Fellows...) are all wonderful. I am already so excited about this community and all of the potential it has to become something truly amazing over the next year. It has been so fun to get to know everyone and their stories and to hear about how the Lord brought us all to this place together. I am so excited about getting to work with and share life with them over the next year! 

Over the past few weeks, we've heard many stories from other staff members about challenges and obstacles that we're going to face this year. (For example, after typing that last sentence, I put my arm on one of the arm rests of my chair, and it definitely broke. So, I guess I'll have to fix that in the morning?) I think a lot of us are overwhelmed simply by everything that we are taking in and learning about, because it's a lot of information and a lot to remember. Somewhere in the middle of lifeguard training, we started throwing around the phrase, "Challenge accepted." (Yes, that is a HIMYM reference, for those of you keeping track at home.) I think it started as a joke, but it's kind of become our catchphrase. Anytime we hear about something that we're going to have to do or a struggle we're going to have to overcome, it's always, "challenge accepted." Legacy Fellowship? Challenge Accepted.

Today's challenge: having to drive trailers around camp. Background info: On camp, we have a bunch of big green trailers that we use to transport guests and luggage between cabins and the parking lots. Every time guests arrive, we load them and their luggage on to these trailers, also known around here as "people movers," and drive them down to their cabins. Last week, we were trained on how to hook and unhook these trailers on vehicles, and today we actually got to practice driving them around camp.

For anyone who knows my driving tendencies, this is probably a little scary. Don't worry, I was scared too. I was more than a little intimidated and pretty sure I was going to crash and wreck something. I am proud to report, however, that I successfully drove a truck and trailer around "the loop" on camp twice and did not hit any fences, trash cans, other trailers, or guests. That is a successful day!

Aren't you proud of me?!

I think that's a pretty good first update. Most of our time so far has been consumed by preparing us to keep kids safe, which is a very important thing. However, we have found some time to have some fun also! This past week, we had a staff fishing competition, and I caught, can you believe it, seven fish. SEVEN. They were little, but I still feel like that's an accomplishment for someone who hasn't been fishing in about ten years. Last weekend, we went two-stepping with a bunch of the full-time staff in Tyler. It was a little weird going dancing in a place other than Austin, but it turned out to be a blast. My only complaint is that I didn't have twenty Longhorn Singers with me to dance Footloose when it came on. I was accompanied by these lovely ladies though:

The Fellow Girls in our living room.
Whitney, Anissa, Kelly, Hales, Emily and Ashley.

When we're not dancing, we find some time to goof around on camp too:

I think that's it for tonight. I must go draw on this chalkboard wall now...

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.  
If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, 
just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.  
I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.   
My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.  
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."
- John 15:9-13
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