Hales How-To, Hales' To-Do

Hello blog-world!
Welcome to the next saga in the adventures of Hales -- full time life at camp.

After weeks of talking about it, I've finally had time to sit down and get this blog updated and ready for action. I used this site a few years ago to post about my antics as a counselor and member of the leadership team at Sky (you can read about those in the archives, here), so I thought I'd revive it to log the next round of camp adventures as well. Updates may be few and far between for a while until we settle into our schedules, but I promise to do my best to write when I can.

I've tried to organize things in a way that's easy to navigate and fun to look at, too! Grandparents, don't stress, I'm about to tell you everything you need to know.

Posts will appear here, newest updates at the top of the page, older ones below. I believe that it is set to only show 4 or 5 posts per page, so once we get started, you'll be able to scroll all the way to the bottom and click "older posts" to go back and see those that no longer fit on the first page.

At the bottom of each post, you'll be able to see the "labels" for that post (I talk about this below) and leave comments. Comments are always welcome -- I'd love to hear from you! To leave a comment, click the link at the bottom of the post that says "# Comments" (there will be an actual number there, depending on how many comments I have or don't have...). This will open up a window where you can type a comment and click "publish." Once you publish it, I will be able to read it, and it will show up publicly on the "comments" section for that post. 

Moving on. Over on the right, there are two sidebars that will remain locked, no matter what part of the blog you navigate to. Let's talk about 'em:

First, there's a section of pages for you to explore. Home, of course, will bring you back here to the main page. This is where all of the actual posts and updates will be, so don't worry, you won't have to go digging for those. There's an "about camp" section, where you can read about Sky Ranch, my history there, and what I'll be doing this year. In the "the story of charlie" section, you can read about the inspiration behind my blog title, because, be honest, you're all confused about why my blog title has nothing to do with my name or what I'll be writing about. The "pictures" link will take you over to my Shutterfly site where I'll be uploading and sharing any and all noteworthy photos (and probably some not-so-noteworthy ones as well). Lastly, there's a "contact" page, where you can find my address, etc.

Under the pages section, I've added my twitter feed. For those of you who aren't twitter-savvy, these are basically like mini-updates, thoughts, or comments that I send out into cyber-land. For those of you who are twitter-savvy, follow me @halesmgales.

On the second sidebar, there's a section of links for you to check out, including the Sky Ranch website and my personal blog, which I probably won't be writing in much, since I'll be updating here instead. There is also a "posts" section, where you can use the drop-down menu to access previous posts on this blog. Under that, there's a "labels" section - this will show you a list of labels (topics) that I'm writing about. You can click on any one of them and check out all of the blog posts about that topic.

In the "followers" section, you can use your Google account to join and "follow" this site. Under that, there's a place where you can use your email address to subscribe, if you'd rather do it that way. Then, of course, there's the Google+ button, for those of you who use it. (I don't really, but there you go.)

That's about it, short and simple. If you have any questions, I suggest you ask my mom, because she'll be more accessible than I will over the next few weeks...

Now that housekeeping is out of the way, we can move on to the real business of today, my massive to-do list. I move to camp on Tuesday, and I've been running around like crazy trying to get everything done and ready. Here's the current running tab on my desktop, and that's not even all:

Yes, Singers, there you are. First of all, I love you.
Secondly, now I will get "Transylvania Mania" stuck in my head every time I open my computer.

Needless to say, it's been a crazy week at my house, and the next few days promise to be more of the same. Hopefully I will be able to cross off most of these things before I leave and my life becomes consumed by camp life and trainings. If that's going to happen, I better stop writing and start getting busy! 
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